I would like to interview you about this. You can email me at libertytalkcanada@gmail.com if you are interested.


Odessa Orlewicz

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I can personally attest to knowing Mrs Haas from Kaleden, BC. I lived in Kaleden through child and teen hood and the family property was passed down and only recently sold to 'out of owner's' after 60 years later. Us kids, with 'party life phones ( if you know what that is) called her relentlessly to ask if her fridge was running. When she said yes, we said 'you better go catch it'. We thought we were brilliantly funny and 'good Ol Mrs Haas' as we ALL referred to her was a 'sport'. She always said she get right to looking. She was older when I was a youngster so I could see her being taken advantage. We knew of no children and the story was she either lost her husband in WW2 or before. Perhaps she was a spinster? She walked by our house Every Single day. She was a walker and loved life and nature. What a shame cause I'm sure if she knew she signing her money to a political party she would not have a greed. Nature Trust maybe. But politics was NOT her bag. Nature was. Dig deeper.

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Hello Lex,

Thank you for sharing this. Incredible. We are looking at Mr. Krog Nanaimo- The AAP team did a great job of blocking the 48.5 Loan out a total of 160 mil on the table. I am working to help the conservative party for upcoming elections. Sonia Furstenau BC Green has moved to Beacon Hill Victoria from Cowichan. I came across a newsletter that identified over 500K donations in a very short period of time. ----The totals Last week, Sonia announced that the BC Greens surpassed our annual fundraising goal for 2023, setting monthly fundraising goals in 7 months across the year. 23,875 donations were made, totalling $1.2 million. --- Do you have time to look into this? What if the same estate scenario is happening here? summer@vanislandalliance.ca

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Dec 14, 2023Edited
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Please reach out to me privately. You can find my email and phone: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexacker/

Election Contribution Data: https://contributions.electionsbc.gov.bc.ca/pcs/SA1Search.aspx


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