...and the Corporate 'elite' increased their wealth by billions of dollars. Ask Bezos and Gates for a start.

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Thanks for the direct connect. Yup. The missing billions ended up in their pockets. By design. Like a virus would know if it's in a big box store vs a little store. A Militarized Economy telling you WHO you have to purchase from. The definition of Crony Capitalism.

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I am a plaintiff in one such lawsuit against the Canadian federal government due to their bogus vaxx mandate for federal employees. They violated both my constitutional rights and my employment contract in forcing me into involuntary unpaid leave for refusing to be injected. I'm still waiting after more than two years merely to find out if they will even allow the case to be heard in court. As you say, if the government allows it to go to trial and is found to be in the wrong, it is royally fu(ked. So the odds are very low that they will allow such a risky situation to occur. Nonetheless, the government must learn that it cannot repeat such evil actions; even if justice means that the country goes bankrupt.

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No sovereign country can ever go bankrupt in its own currency.

Money is now just a series of data entries on commercial bank computers, whereby:

no debts = no money.

Just 2% is printed on paper bank notes.

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Printing too much money without generating enough real economic output can lead to hyperinflation, eroding the value of the currency and making it difficult to service debts. And we have major debts in this country.

The government can technically default on its debt if it lacks the economic capacity to make payments. That hasn't happened yet, but it's not over until it's over.

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It was the potential consequence given in the original article ("if government covid measures were recognized to be groundless, massive damages would also be recognized by ensuing lawsuits and would bankrupt the country"). As an extreme example, if ten million Canadians successfully sued for one million dollars each in damages, the government would have to pay out ten trillion dollars. That would be close to five times Canada's current GDP, and must lead to unpleasant results, whatever they might be called.

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If Canadian judiciary is anything like the US, the case for damages due to Covid-19 would be far less than that demanded by the plaintiffs and/or declared to be force majeure. It might be wiser for the plaintiffs to sue Pfizer and Moderna to the point of bankruptcy.

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I believe that they are set up to be the first line of defense against a broader legal response against the perpetrators. As per Sasha Latypova/Katherine Watt, the pharma companies were manufacturing prototype countermeasures, with no requirements for testing or production quality, as specified under contract to the US DoD. They're an obvious target for litigation, but any victory would be quite hollow.

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Who wants money. I want jail time for approving, lying about, and mandating a known bioweapon with known evidence of harms and deaths, and also for deliberately destroying peoples lives and livelihoods. Sorry, just can't 'forgive' and move on like the author suggests.

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We're about to go bankrupt anytime soon now anyways. Listen to Catherine Austin Fitts at the National Citizens Inquiry. It's all a part of the plan.

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We REALLY need to give our politicians, especially the Wokists, a hard shake. If I don’t see an awakening by Canadians very soon, at 73 I’m heading for saner, sunnier pastures. Betting the exit door would be crowded. If I see you on a beach, Jessica, I’ll say hello!🤗

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As we rebuild, remember -

Far worse than the loss and damage to our economies

was the loss and damage to our souls.

Below are links to two very beautiful works-

Robert Kennedy's 1968 speech in which he states

....“it [GNP] measures everything in short, except that which makes life worthwhile."


George Carlin's

A Philosophy For Life

We need a good cry.



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We're already bankrupt. At least lawsuits might deter them from trying to pull this again.

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I wonder if the lost funds was really a "reset" to reorient funds towards a different economy where the globalists (or Amazon CEO Bezos) started making TONS more money as shipping became the norm. I'll admit, I've gotten spoiled by being able to have stuff come to my door, and not always shopping elsewhere nearby. But then again, most of the stuff I'm buying these last few years are unusual, for prepping, or getting higher end tools for a shop to be able to possibly start a side gig with higher end automotive troubleshooting.

I'm essentially farther along in life, not needing to buy tons of frivolous stuff, and don't have to shop for clothes, etc. (I honestly go to goodwill or other thrift shops for shirts.) Money has gotten tighter, wife is not working due to a cancer diagnosis and going through treatments. I help care for her parents as well, so I can't spend tons of time away from the house. Thankfully working from home. Save money by not commuting.

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The latest GDP numbers from Trading Economics have the U.S. at 4.90% and Canada at -.30%.

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Don’t believe the US numbers, they always exaggerate the top line then revise it downward when they think nobody is watching!

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The first step to recovery is using the correct terminology. "Plandemic" or "The Madness" instead of "The Pandemic". If everyone had done nothing we wouldn't have remembered anything unusual by 2021 beyond a bad flu-like illness in 2020.

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I like the term "Covid Hysteria". Looking back at those crazy things people were doing, the turning in of family and neighbours, the Stockholm syndrome with our abuser, the Canadian government. Hysteria for sure (remember the cut-out pop bottles on people's heads?).

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I worked as a part time landscape gardener. I was not even allowed to work OUTSIDE for the main client because I was not jabbed. Insane. Two years of that. Boss, who did get the jabs, got injured from overwork doing two-person tasks alone, couldn't work for weeks.

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Not due to plandemic. Due to corrupt politicians who sold our country, due to the megalomaniac globalists who want a one-world-technocracy and use the IMF and the BIS as their instruments to get it. This has nothing to do with a 'fire-us', but everything with the carefully organized and executed plan to strip us of our sovereignty, our resources, our property and even our dignity and human rights: The Great Taking where we own nothing and are digitally surveilled and controlled slaves.

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Does anyone think that Justin Trudeau, who was infiltrated into office by the WEF will be re-elected President of Canada ?


The Klaus Schwab of World Economic Forum told to go fuck himself by one of the participants, Damon Imani

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Trudeau and Freeland have divided loyalties, she being a trustee at the WEF. According to the transfer payments section of the 2020-2021 Public Accounts of Canada, the WEF received $2,915,095 from Canadian taxpayers in the form of grants and contributions.

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And the fallout from the shutdowns continues 🥺

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Looking at the trendline, my intuition tells me it is actually low because it looks to be taking the massive downturn into the averaging.

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Agree (even without intuition) and Jessica is being nicely conservative :) A smooth quadratic would fit better with resulting economic loss estimate closer to $200B.

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Meanwhile, the billionaires were cashing it in.... doubling their wealth .

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But it wasn't due to the "pandemic", was it?

It was due to the deliberate gross over-reaction to the gross over-reaction to the "pandemic", which turned out to kill less people than a bad flu year.

And there was a reason for that over-reaction, which we haven't got to the bottom of yet.

But we will...

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Losing $152 billion, but "going direct" to TBTF financial "institutions" was a Feature, not a Bug.

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